Favorite History

history Novels

Book name Author View
Reborn South Africa as a policeman Catfish head 12915
Su kitchen Erzi Congzhou 2106
The first cruel man in Nanming A sleeve of heaven and earth 3466
My empire is unparalleled Join the army 3358
Take Taobao with you to the other world Blood song Huazhang 1498
The great Xia dragon and finch in the late Sui Dynasty Fallen Wolf 6207
Don't let the country Zhibai 2475
Rebirth of Lu Bu Stray monkey 9068
Supreme Dan Zun Wake up with tears 2121
Through the stars: wife and husband When I saw Jane 1205
Special forces God level extraction system Craziness 12374
Dragon of the Three Kingdoms body 5544
One Qiu eight in the northern mansion of the Eastern Jin Dynasty Refers to Yun Xiaotian 4335
Bad people in Tang Dynasty Geng Xin 7584
Your marriage Curtain cream 2246
Tiemashan river of the Three Kingdoms Where's kinnaro 2218
Cold door disaster Yu Ren 1705
Waste wood Summoner Muai AI 1556
Supreme martial god I eat bread 1628
The reborn Lao Tzu is the emperor Two eggs 1875
I have backstage in Datang Water from the foot of the mountain 3011
Chao Weitian Shirang shifty-eyed 1629
Zhuge is the emperor of martial arts summoning system Heart hidden in ice and snow 118
Supreme of the Three Kingdoms Green tea steamed stuffed bun 12640
Royal jade order Si Jin 2085
Snow wolf attack clocks and watches 1608
Medical and military perspective A bowl of rice 1273
In the Qin Dynasty, the bright moon dominated the world Seven Star fat bear 6570
The most ruthless tyrant in the Song Dynasty Heavenly nobles 3255
The abandoned son of the Three Kingdoms Taoist Shuangmu 4089
The invincible fleet sweeping the late Qing Dynasty MuLinSen 44 3219
Zhenguan Han son-in-law Big eyed little gold 3455
A reborn business tycoon Square 2 (longitudinal) 3975
Battlefield contract worker Don't do it 2729
Talented doctor dotes on imperial concubine Snow Luan song 87
Song Beiyun Accompany Xiaomu 276
Strange Three Kingdoms Year of the monkey 693
High energy ahead Smile 410
Personal servant Ziwei 449
Best personal servant Ziwei 678
Violence danzun Li Zhong has a dream 709
The great doctor: Miss Juncai Plain brocade 141
The peak call of the Three Kingdoms Flowing fragrance for thousands of years 11257
Super martial god Yucheng 778
Reborn City Immortal Emperor Ten thousand carp 1668
Sin is unforgivable Moerae 333
Daqin Engineering Corps Expeditionary soldier 2575
Free and easy The wind of star dream 13210
War Emperor Garfield masked 499
Empire eating Muchenke 3067
Tang villain Jiuzhan green tea 3090
Small medical farmer in mountain village manner 448
Concubine Tuan Chong Xiaomeng: the prince is too fierce An Zi 81
God's favor comes to the world Listen to the wind 1320
Leng Wang loves her, a talented little medical concubine Dance drag you zero 75
I'm king I'm three 789
Rebirth of mountains and rivers in the late Song Dynasty Let your heart 746
The adoration of the emperor is unparalleled Cold dust 50
Fu Ming Lu Gain a false reputation 578
Noble young master of Tang Dynasty Go up the mountain to beat the old 1281
Lord, your counselor hung up again Sang Jiajing 697
At the end of Sui Dynasty, the heroes competed for deer Mingqi Xiaolang 3335
Report to the world White Finch 127
Rebirth of the City God Floating seven days 2243
Han Guan The rain did not dare 495
The eagle swept nine days Zhongyuan 2 809
Xiaoyaohou Da Sikong 885
The soul of Anti Japanese War Falcon spreads its wings 2293
The most romantic of the Three Kingdoms Zhao Zi said 2759
The first assistant of Ming Dynasty Chen Zhengdao 2182
Husband in law Incense of anger 2437
Daming dominates overseas Pizza 3327
The rise of the European Emperor Taishang Laoniu 1167
Red Moscow Smear memory 900
Against the Qing Dynasty The land of the Holy Spirit 1187
The first generation of Tang people The wind of Qin Dynasty 3538
Genius's daughter, the fourth miss of waste wood A piece of fat 98
Sycophant Autumn Moon 386
Concubine of violence: Uncle Huang dotes on heaven! Round turtle 21
The best emperor of rebirth Old fat 541
Tang can The cat is tired 532
The essence of ghost medicine North Branch cold 169
Holy Roman Empire Xinhai month 1 3340
Regent Daming Insects * 611
The devil emperor dotes on his wife, a dandy concubine Xiaoyaoziyu 104
Lingao Qiming Bragger 267
Sun Zhongmou's son Long sky 1423
The war of spies Like water 1491
Contract Daming Nancy Beiqing 3041
Famous detective Conan's demon guard Elegant and elegant 8662
Back to the Northern Song Dynasty Zhu jiadalao 3203
Famous detective in Red Mansions Top of the world 817
Take the cauldron 1617 Powerful generals 370
The magic doctor of female president How clear is the water 199
Three Kingdoms like smoke Sesame tree 368
The terminator of quick wear An xiaoyenu 401
The rebirth of Liu Chan in the Three Kingdoms I'm not nervous 1260
No regrets in the prosperous Tang Dynasty The mountain and the river 2997
Masterwork Ren Yuan 2352
Poison doctor saves the world Young but not young 208
Only nine high Sleepless dream 186
A fierce soldier Takatsuki 713
Special forces from Fire Phoenix larkspur 5102
Hand woven field, omnipotent little cook woman Kiss me with a song 225
I am a child in the great Qin Dynasty Mo Yi 2500
Looking for Tang Dynasty Gunner one 990
Engineering otaku in Tang Dynasty PI Xiake 21348
Kangxi harem II and III: flowing year by year and leaving song in late autumn Yue Tong 428
Beyond frenzy Fifty seven five 15062
The four kingdoms system Jinge iron ox 595
Xiao Xiong Zhi in the late Eastern Han Dynasty Yuyan 1971
I'm wang Fugui A complete history 391
Movie king of the great Wei Dynasty Zhuang Buzhou 368
Beast world: boss of beast king Fan sauce 49
The rise of Empire Zhang Weiqing 486
Phoenix in the world: the supreme demon Germinating seed 114
Rebirth's favorite concubine will go to heaven Feng Yuqian 55
Uncle Yang of Tang Dynasty The son of heaven 863
The super crazy soldier of Leng Yan president Beiming Tingtao 1439
Less free medicine in the city solitary wild goose 150
The best Yihai 466
The most powerful special soldier Childe Tiance 1304
Song Dynasty I want to take advantage of the wind 577
Eternal kingdom Drifting alone 2374
The king of the Three Kingdoms Tang people in Red Square 2992
Si Li Jian A proud heart 1177
The best cook Spinach gluten 3819
Back to the boy God With the wind through the green 127
The story of Xiufu Mo Xiaojiu 183
Sansheng Sanshi: under the bodhi tree Yixue maple leaf 264
Small landlords in Song Dynasty Although you are a small family 397
The Mediterranean supremacy of ancient Greece Chen Rui 1364
Wife's hand covering the sky: omnipotent spiritual master Admiration 211
Medical investigation Mu Yi 1186
Farewell to Chu general harbor evil intentions 47
Your majesty, I'm good at teasing you Vulgar girl 93
The call of the Three Kingdoms Night white 6584
Global monster Online One more 516
Greater Shanghai 1909 The last smoke 2859
Life is a duel North end 81
The last cruel man of Daming Daming first 3936
Medical wife married to raise proud husband Yu se Mo Jing 27
The all powerful king of Anti Japanese War Lonely swordsman 1980
Rescuing the Ming Dynasty Da Luoluo 1598
The overbearing queen fell in love with me It's clear 94
The yellow scarf of the Three Kingdoms Mountain dance 3042
Emperor Wu of the world First God 279
Next day Lonely and 2 205
I said Lazy Shu 48
Laugh through: suppress bandits and tease your husband Eurya 72
Empress, I'm wrong! Sister Li Muchen 37
Feng dance Jiangshan: belly black devil, kneel down Lu Fei 55
To marry the Crown Princess Tang youyou 31
The dawn of conquering heaven Solid bear 803
Dominating the road in the late Han Dynasty Lingfu 1207
Guanjue new Han Dynasty Blood stained robes 263
Anti Japanese super strong man Eight door old 2640
Empress: Mr. Wang, you are out of favor Fish have 27
Steel burning soul The inheritance of the sky 183
Ode to the North Christmas straw 151
Jiang Xuan Beautiful trees make forests 56
Han Si becomes an official Zhuo Muxian 52
Special years Yan Qiguan 483
Imperial concubine does not abandon medicine Young master, there is nothing in the world 34
Empress Huang Su xiaonuan 471
Xiaoyao Red Mansion Xu Shiwu 709
The plague of war guards my city Salary intention 229
I am Yuan Shu in the Three Kingdoms It's not big 3234
son-in-law of high rank Fu Tian 772
Iron and steel Empire Carrying home 216
Engineers in the late Ming Dynasty Rice wine 280
Gold medal county magistrate Return to one's heart 1033
The president has a heart Crazy 42
Wang Chuang, the strongest soldier in the Three Kingdoms East side 1244
Evil emperor crazy Princess: waste material against the sky Water lily 13
Everyone loves to rest Si Jin 26
Power goes north and south Ran Zhen 376
King Huai of Chu Green plum 428
Back to the beginning of Ming Dynasty Bohai Jun Gong 847
The rise of bases in the war of resistance against Japan Young master Luo 3541
Evil king, please don't tease me Lushengtang 11
Wu Dao Ling Tian New red double 271
Crazy dragon soldier Talking about dream and cooking wine 72
Tiannv is poisonous Tang youyou 68
I don't want to be famous Wu Ma Hang 921
Ever since I was a special forces soldier Naran Lingyun 11432
Belly black lord: the princess is too fierce Mei xuefangfei 26
Super storm Chen aiting 884
Return to Nuclear power warfare 246
Dragon King Hall Pigs climb trees 139
Dressed as a moonlight double Shuning 362
Petty officials of Tang Dynasty Go up the mountain to beat the old 256
The days of cohabitation with the Millennium female ghost Bufei (bookshop) 172
Silly girl of the peasant family: don't be too fierce Young master juechen 16
Crazy pet all powerful waste Chai Fei Meow star treasure 74
Fu Jin in the first: fourth master, ruthless will spoil! Ye Tiantian 45
Sword Market Qingcheng in February 359
Valley Emperor It's raining on rainy days 1073
The most powerful special forces The book of winter 14110
Kaihai Duke of deer 332

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