     After the deafening crash, less than half of Weilan City, which has been swept into ruins by sea, was destroyed again.
     The shaking of the earth and the rolling of the sea made Tang Yunqing and ye Luyao look more and more pale.
     The reason why the former is so is naturally because the subsequent chaos caused by the sea dragon's body has killed the lives of most survivors, while the latter is because of the death of the sea dragon and the death of her beloved dragon.
     After the death of Hailong petrochemical, a dragon shadow gradually emerged in the deep sea.
     The sea dragon was blue and covered with prismatic scales printed with mysterious patterns. There were five claws under its belly, sharp and sharp, flashing cold light. At this time, scarlet blood was left on its claws, and there were many broken wounds on its body. Its head hung low, and a pair of copper bell like dragon eyes looked at Ye Luyao next to Tang Yunqing, and then roared, The sound wave formed by the sound of dragon singing lifted the sea water and dispersed in all directions.
     Although Tang Yunqing was not the target of the sea dragon, he still couldn't help turning white and his heart beat faster. On the contrary, ye Luyao's face gradually calmed down, leaving only a strong hatred in his eyes.
     One person and one dragon looked at each other for two minutes before the sea dragon's active retreat ended.
     After the sea dragon disappeared into the deep sea, Tang Yunqing turned his head and looked at Ye Luyao. His eyes were cold, like looking at the great enemy of life and death.
     "I need an explanation."
     Tang Yunqing's tone is very plain, but ye Luyao's instinct to see danger tells her that she is now in an extremely dangerous situation, and Tang Yunqing has killed her.
     "What do you want to know?"
     Ye Luyao quickly gathered up his sadness, anger and fear, turned his head and said to Tang Yunqing in an indifferent tone.
     "Everything," said Tang Yunqing.
     "I'm Hailong," Ye Luyao said.
     After hearing the speech, Tang Yunqing was not surprised at all, but sneered, "and his status is not low?"
     "Emperor Hailong is my father," said Ye Luyao.
     Tang Yunqing's face was expressionless, but there was a storm in her heart.
     After what had happened before, he vaguely knew that ye Luyao's origin would be very shocking, but he never thought that she was the daughter of Hailong emperor.
     You should know that emperor Hailong is one of the only eleven "moon god level" strong people in the seven seas and six regions of the French blue star, and his strength is infinitely close to the "great God level" of the twelfth level in the endless blue ocean. His daughter and the apple of his eye are even in front of him.
     The world is really wonderful.
     Although Tang Yunqing was frightened by Ye Luyao's identity, he still had many problems.
     "You have nine levels of strength?" Tang Yunqing stared at Ye Luyao.
     "No." Ye Luyao shook his head.
     "Then how can you be transformed into a man? And as far as I know, any sea dragon family, even the Sea Dragon Emperor, can't set foot on land?" Tang Yunqing said.
     "I can't tell you," Ye Luyao said.
     After hearing the speech, Tang Yunqing looked at her coldly for a while, then raised his right hand, looked at the sea blue beads on the cover page of the code and said, "is it because of it?"
     Before his voice fell, ye Luyao tightened his whole body, obviously very nervous, and the atmosphere became a little dignified for a moment.
     "What on earth is it?" Tang Yunqing said. "Is it for it or for you that the sea dragon set off a tsunami, did not hesitate to invade the Terrans, flooded Weilan City, killed and injured millions of people, and broke the peace between the two sides since ancient times?"
     "I can't say."
     After hearing the speech, ye Luyao was silent for a long time. In the end, he still shook his head.
     "Oh... You can't say."
     Tang Yunqing listened to Ye Luyao's words, raised his head and looked around.
     Because the sea dragon that caused the tsunami has returned to the deep sea, the sea water that flooded Weilan city has gradually faded, leaving only messy ruins and corpses everywhere. The smell of fishy smell and decay is filled in the air.
     After a long strange silence, ye Luyao couldn't help raising his head and looked down Tang Yunqing's eyes. His face was gradually filled with guilt and intolerance.
     "In your sea dragon's eyes," man "is probably just a shrimp or a small fish?" Tang Yunqing withdrew his eyes, lowered his head, and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "But in my eyes, they are all my people. They have flesh and blood. They have their own families, their own lives, their own careers and dreams. But now, everything is submerged by the tsunami and no longer exists."
     After that, Tang Yunqing stopped for a few seconds, raised his head, looked at Ye Luyao with red eyes, and said calmly, "so do you think I will give up?"
     After hearing Tang Yunqing's words, ye Luyao was startled by his crazy tone and expression, but he soon recovered and asked, "even my princess of Hailong nationality?"
     Tang Yunqing heard the speech and said nothing. He just looked at her quietly.
     Ye Luyao felt the endless anger and killing intention in his heart. She hesitated for a long time and finally decided to tell the truth, not because she was afraid of Tang Yunqing's threat, but because she also felt that she had great responsibility for the death of millions of people in Weilan city.
     "This is the sea dragon ball."
     Tang Yunqing was still expressionless, but she was more shocked than knowing that ye Luyao was the daughter of emperor Hailong.
     He was silent for a long time. After a long time, he turned his head and slightly stiff neck, and turned his eyes to the sea dragon beads inlaid on the cover page of the code in the palm of his right hand. At this time, his mind was full of the knowledge about the sea dragon beads learned in the holy court of truth.
     At the end of the ice age, the asteroids of Warcraft and orcs flew from outer space to France and hit the only continent at that time, the goblin continent.
     Under the prophecy of Tianxing, the ancestor of Jianmu country, the strong of demon and essence combined with all races of France Bluestar to jointly refine the "seven God beads" to resist the asteroid impact and avoid the destruction of the world.
     Afterwards, the goblin continent and Warcraft star were broken into six continents, known as the six regions in history. Ecological destruction and strange derivation transformed seven oceans, known as the seven color sea in history, and the seven seas and six regions were jointly known as the Shenlan strange region.
     The seven God beads were scattered and flew to the seven seas and six regions. Their whereabouts are unknown.
     So far, the ice age ended and entered the dark age.
     Looking back on history, people can understand that the seven God beads contributed greatly to the survival of French blue star, and the sea dragon bead is one of the seven God beads.
     According to legend, most of the main materials of sea dragon beads are from the sea and from the sea dragon family. At the same time, the main refiners are also the sea dragon family. Therefore, sea dragon beads should be more friendly to the sea dragon family. But what happened earlier made Ye Luyao and Tang Yunqing suspicious.
     Because Hai Longzhu took the initiative to embed into Tang Yunqing's code, and inspired his original ability. You know, he is human.
     Can we say that the affinity between human beings and sea dragon beads is higher than that of sea dragon?
     How is this possible?
     Ye Lu, Yao and Tang Yunqing didn't believe it, but the facts were in front of them, so they couldn't believe it.
     After knowing the true origin of the sea blue beads, Tang Yunqing didn't know what to say to Ye Luyao for a moment. He opened his mouth several times and stopped talking. After a while, he asked, "so, is that sea dragon for you or sea dragon beads?"
     "It doesn't know that the sea dragon ball is on me." Ye Luyao said.
     The implication is for her.
     "What happened to the Hailong clan?" Tang Yunqing asked.
     "Rebellion, a premeditated rebellion." Ye Luyao gritted his teeth.
     "How bad is the situation?" Tang Yunqing said.
     "I don't know." Ye Luyao shook his head sadly and said, "suddenly, after my father gave me the sea dragon ball, he immediately asked my sixth brother to take me to land, but..."
     Tang Yunqing knew that the dead sea dragon was Ye Luyao's brother.
     The powerful eleven level moon god, one of the strongest in the endless blue ocean, was forced to send his daughter away, and his son was brutally murdered. It can be imagined that at this time, the interior of the Hailong family has been rotten, and the entire endless blue ocean will become a Shura killing ground.
     No matter what the result of the internal struggle of the Hailong clan will have a great impact on all races in the seven seas and six regions. Therefore, Tang Yunqing immediately had an idea in his mind that he must inform the high level of the Terran as soon as possible.
     However, such a big thing happened in Weilan city. The only strong "courage envoy" of the tenth order star God level of the Terran has probably been known, but even the courage envoy can't know all the inside information at the first time.
     For example, the death of the sixth son of the Sea Dragon Emperor, the princess of the sea dragon family fled to the legal mainland with the sea dragon ball.
     Only by mastering enough information can we infer the situation of the endless blue ocean, to what extent it has been eroded, and how the people in the legal region should act.
     When Tang Yunqing thought about it, ye Luyao kept observing his expression. Finally, he couldn't help laughing and said, "my father once told me that human commitments are not credible. The reason why they don't betray is that the price is too high and the temptation is not enough."
     "What are you talking about?"
     Tang Yunqing returned to his senses with some doubts, but even if he realized clearly, he said frankly, "I don't mean to forcibly occupy the sea dragon pearl. If you can take it away, I can give it back to you at any time."
     Although sea dragon beads are precious, they can be precious, but people in the jurisdiction have the character of abiding by order and keeping their promises.
     Seeing that Tang Yunqing's expression was not fake, ye Luyao was a little embarrassed. At the same time, she fell into deep distress, because she and Tang Yunqing had tried many ways, and they couldn't take Hai Longzhu from his code. She even wanted to get Hai Longzhu back by killing Tang Yunqing, but she didn't even have the qualification to hurt him, Because Tang Yunqing is under the protection of Hai Longzhu.
     Ye Luyao thought for a long time and came up with a good way, so he said, "then you go back to Hailong imperial city with me. My father must have a way."
     Without any consideration, Tang Yunqing flatly refused: "if you have a little brain, you should know how dangerous the endless blue ocean is now. The sea dragon ball is indeed yours, but my life is mine. If you want to go back, I won't go back."
     "But I must go back!" Ye Luyao's eyes flushed.
     When she was sent away, she didn't know what had happened in the family, but her brother's death made her understand many things. Therefore, she must not abandon her people and love herself and her father and Emperor most.
     "Then go back and I didn't stop you." Tang Yunqing frowned.