     Fifty thousand dry gold. It's really not a small amount.
     Although the Wang family in Changning is developing well now, it seems to be very rich.
     But in fact, the larger the family, the greater the expenditure. Which of the various elixirs and spiritual food provided for the people's cultivation is not a great expenditure? But if you save those expenses, with Wang's current background, can anyone catch up with those families that have developed for hundreds of thousands of years?
     Therefore, even if Wang's ability to make money is very strong, he is still short of money.
     Wang Shouzhe was slightly moved
     But the thought just flashed away, and he immediately strengthened his heart.
     Wang Shouzhe, Wang Shouzhe, you must keep the bottom line. Don't just
    “ I'll add another 50000, a total of 100000 dry gold. " Seeing that Wang Shouzhe seemed to waver, Mrs. Bilian immediately increased her weight and looked heroic, "I know you have money in Changning. You don't have many opportunities to earn an extra 100000 dry gold with no effort. Don't think about it, master Shouzhe? "
     Wang Shouzhe glanced at her.
     Mrs. Bilian, you underestimate me? However, in order to prevent being killed by his wife, he still didn't earn the 100000 dry gold.
    “ Mrs. Bilian, please don't talk nonsense again. " He immediately got up and said solemnly, "I've been married. Don't mention such selfish thoughts, madam."
    “ Er... Shouzhe family leader, did you misunderstand? " Mrs. Bilian's expression was slightly stiff, and a flash of amazement flashed in her shining eyes, "100000 dry gold, what do you think? If I really want to do this, the money will be enough... Bah, bah, bah ~ Wang Shouzhe, my wife is not such a person. "
     Do you really think wrong?
     Wang Shouzhe was also stunned. Then he frowned and said, "is it that some bad childe has been staring at his wife? My wife needs me to be a shield?"
    “ Master Shouzhe, don't think about it. " Mrs. Bilian really couldn't help but rolled her eyes at him. "Don't you think about my wife's identity and who fool dares to force my wife to do things she doesn't want to do? If someone really didn't know how to live or die, my wife would have sent dozens of families to cut it into meat and mud. "
     Well ~ seriously, Mrs. Bilian's identity is really not small.
     It is said that she was born as a direct daughter of the purple family in a county. Although her husband's family, Yuwen, has fallen from the purple family, she is also a very powerful liupin family. No one will want to provoke her.
    “ This is not, that is not, what on earth is that lady? "
     Wang Shouzhe was helpless.
     I can't blame him for thinking too much. In fact, he can't imagine what situation needs to be solved by a handsome and excellent man.
     Mrs. Bilian frowned slightly: "this matter is related to some secrets of our Yuwen family. If I say so, please keep it a secret even if the master of Shouzhe's family doesn't want to help. "
     Wang Shouzhe thought briefly: "confidentiality is OK. But whether I can help or not, I need to think about it all. "
    “ Based on your level of Wang family in Changning and your reputation as Wang Shouzhe, I believe you once. " Mrs. Bilian hesitated and finally opened her mouth, "it's about the founder of our Yuwen family. He once adopted a spirit beast - three fire spirit foxes. "
    “ As you know, many tailed spirit foxes are powerful ancient spirit species, so Yuwen has always taken good care of them. Now, thousands of years later, she has reached the peak of six tails and is about to grow a seventh tail. At that time, she will be full of wisdom and strength comparable to Zifu. The Yuwen family can also greatly increase the strength of the seven tailed Linghu. Even if it is still not a Zifu aristocratic family, it can deter all kinds of curfews and make many people covet it. "
     Wang Shouzhe was slightly surprised: "this is a good thing. Is there any difficulty in it?"
     He thought in his heart that Yuwen aristocratic family is worthy of being a strong liupin aristocratic family who fell from Zifu aristocratic family. This inside story is profound. The six tailed Linghu alone can kill many Qipin aristocratic families.
    “ The difficulty is that the six tailed fire fox has a strange temperament. " Mrs. Bilian said helplessly, "she likes handsome, young and excellent young men to feed her Tiancai and Dibao, especially women, and most ordinary men will also be despised. Now she is about to reach the breakthrough period, and her requirements have become higher. The young and handsome men I used to make friends with, she liked to ignore them and refused to be promoted lazily. "
     Wang Shouzhe was in a cold sweat when he heard that there was such a bad town spirit beast?
     Like the yuanshuiling turtle in his family, he is very obedient.
     However, in this way, he understood why Mrs. Bilian liked those young and handsome men. I'm afraid most of the reason is here.
    “ You don't have to do anything else. Just chat with her. Just coax her to eat the natural materials and treasures of promotion. " Mrs. Bilian said, "the six tailed fire demon fox of Yuwen's family has a mild personality. In addition to this problem, everything else is very good. As long as the master of Shouzhe family can complete the task, 100000 dry gold will be offered. "
     Yuwen is no longer strong at his peak, but he holds a considerable number of industries in his hands. In the eyes of some interested people, it is like a huge cake. Everyone wants to cut a piece of meat from Yuwen.
     Now, the whole Yuwen family has a strong sense of urgency and wants to have a fighting capacity in the purple mansion as soon as possible.
    “ If that's the case, Shou zhe can have a try. " After thinking for a while, Wang Shouzhe said, "but Shouzhe doesn't dare to guarantee it. If it fails, please don't blame me, madam."
     Mrs. Bilian beamed: "OK, as long as you promise. The whole longzuo County, I'm afraid it's hard to find a more suitable candidate than the master of Shouzhe family. Whether you succeed or not, we Yuwen owe you a favor. "
     Wang Shouzhe felt a little happy when he heard the speech.
     Even among the Qiang liupin aristocratic families, Yuwen's strength is the strongest. It is absolutely beneficial for Wang to have the opportunity to let Yuwen owe him a favor.
    【 Give you a cash red envelope! Pay attention to VX the public [book friends' base camp] and get it!
     Besides, Yuwen's family and Mrs. Bilian, the direct daughter of the purple family, may return to the purple family one day.