     Over the years, with the friendship between the two ethnic groups, the Wang family in longzuo has a deeper and deeper understanding of the Wang family in Changning. The magic of Wang Shouzhe has gradually penetrated into the hearts of the people with one thing after another, as if there were no problems that could not be solved as long as he was there.
     Especially the "Shou" generation and the "Zong" generation of young people worship Wang Shouzhe and regard him as an idol.
     At this moment, when they saw Wang Shouzhe coming, they were relieved and immediately welcomed him.
    “ I'll pay a visit to the ancestors of Zhou Bo, clan leader Xiao Rui, and all the elders. " Wang Shouzhe greeted one by one politely and methodically, and hung all the people of Zhang's group aside.
     Changning Wang, not many people came to support this time.
     In addition to Wang Shouzhe and Longyan, there are only Wang Zongan and Wang Liyao. Wang Shouzhe took the two of them to let them see the world more.
     After seeing the ceremony, Wang Shouzhe asked Wang Zongan and Wang Liyao to meet with their elders. Naturally, the two sides were a noisy and large-scale marriage recognition scene.
     Zhang's people were so popular that they looked very bad.
    “ I said, "who is it? It's so rampant." A middle-aged man in Zhang's Brocade robe said with a sneer, "it turned out to be the newly rising Wang family in Changning. Hum, it's just that you Wang family in Changning are the king in the countryside. Why, you think you're invincible just after being promoted to the seventh grade, and you still want to intervene in the affairs of county and city? "
     The one who speaks is the master of the contemporary Zhang family, Zhang daoyong.
     Although the Wang family in Changning is now famous for the southern six guards, first, the southern six guards are located in a remote area. Second, the county city is the capital of longzuo county. There are many aristocratic families in the city, which can be said to be the most powerful aristocratic family in the whole longzuo County.
     The Qipin aristocratic family is not very powerful here. Naturally, few aristocratic families will care about the Wang family in Changning, a new Qipin aristocratic family in a remote area.
     Only some relevant families or people who pay attention to the Wang family in Changning will know a little about this news.
     The reason why the Zhang family in longzuo paid some attention to the Wang family in Changning was that they had some disagreements with the Wang family in longzuo in recent years, so they roughly investigated the situation of the Wang family in Changning.
     In Zhang's eyes, the Wang family in Changning is just a rural family who has just been promoted to Qipin. Although it is a little threatening, it doesn't have to be too afraid.
    “ "Zhang Shi?" Wang Shouzhe looked at Zhang daoyong with a smile, "we Wang have always been kind to others, but we are not afraid of any provocation. Since you don't care about your face and are unreasonable, you'd better speak with your fist. "
    “ Fist talk? " Zhang Dao glanced at the Wang family and other people, especially after staying on the ancestor of Long Yan for a while, and a trace of disdain came out of his mouth. "Although your family Wang Long Yan has some strength, he is just a human being in the Jin Dynasty. He wants to compete with my Zhang family and polish it for a hundred years."
     Zhang's people are prosperous, and both the ancestors of heaven and man have two. They are naturally confident in speaking.
     But as soon as his voice fell, Wang Shouzhe's face opposite showed a strange color. Wang Liyao and Wang Zongan both turned their faces.
    “ A mere child, dare to speak wildly and don't know whether to live or die! "
     Wang Longyan sneered, his eyes swept, and his eyes suddenly burst into boundless coldness.
     In an instant, a terrible momentum rose from her and rolled towards Zhang Dao like a mountain.
     The surrounding air seemed to condense at this moment.
     Zhang Dao turned pale, and the whole man was shocked by this terrible power and went back several steps.
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     The cold sweat was dripping down in an instant. He was already trying to support, but he was still trembling. Even his knees were a little soft, and he almost knelt down directly.
     How?! How could it be so strong?!
     Zhang Dao widened his eyes in disbelief, and bursts of fear sprang up in his heart.
     He had a feeling that this woman, no, this ancestor, she really wanted to kill herself!
    “ Enough! "
     Seeing this, Hongqing's face finally changed slightly.
     He suddenly took a step forward, crossed his body and stopped in front of Zhang daoyong, and then lifted his sleeve and shook it.
     The majestic momentum rolled in like a mountain and a sea, but when it rushed in front of him, it was scattered by the momentum he threw out, and broke up one after another.
     His whole body was filled with mysterious Qi, like an iron wall in front of Zhang daoyong.
     For the rest of his life, Zhang Dao almost stumbled and fell to the ground. With the help of the people around him, he barely stood still.
     Until this time, he was still frightened on his face.
    “ Wang Longyan, you are a grandparent of heaven and man. Why haggle with a younger generation? " Hongqing looked coldly at Wang Longyan, and anger was surging in his old eyes.
    “ You're right. It's really boring to argue with a younger generation. " Long Yan's father glanced at him, and his eyes flashed cold, "then I'll quarrel with you."
     Before the words fell, her hand was already on the handle of the sword around her waist.
     The purple electric sword suddenly came out of its scabbard. The golden sun shone on the blade and gave a cold light.
     For a long time, Longyan's ancestors lived in seclusion, sheltered the Wang family for many years, worked hard, worked hard and took up the burden of the ancestors, and took good care of the younger generation.
     But in fact, she is also a delicate girl, and her temper is not necessarily very good.
     When she was young, when she was practicing in the school palace, she was also angry with each other when she didn't say a word, and her fellow martial brothers who had been beaten by her were unknown. Today, many senior brothers and junior brothers change their faces when they mention the word "Wang Longyan".
     If it were not for the continuation of the family and the protection of many young people in the family, how could such a temperament endure for so many years?
     But now, Wang is not what she used to be, and she naturally doesn't need to suppress herself.
     The war, the war.
     She held the sword in her hand and raised her hand. The sharp edge pointed directly at old Hong Qing!
     The sword is in the air.
     A clear wind chime suddenly resounded through the sky.

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