    “ You...... "master Cui's sarcastic face was instantly stiff and smiled angrily," Wang Shouzhe, you are a Qipin family in a place, but your tone is not small. This master book wants to see how you are going to offend me completely. "
    “ As you said before, the impartial document was caught in a fire more than 100 years ago, and now its handwriting is blurred. " Wang Shouzhe sneered, "if it's true, you're lucky. If you can still stay in this position, master Cui, I will share your last name with you. "
     Wang Shouzhe was also very angry about this.
     A county and city master's book, he even confuses black and white, secretly counterfeits, is shameless and narrow-minded. If such a person continues to stay in the position of county and city master book, the atmosphere of longzuo county will be crooked by him.
     Master Cui's face was cold, and he said in a harsh voice, "boy surnamed Wang, are you going to fight me? You know... "
    “ Never tell me who you are. " Wang Shouzhe said coldly, "it is said that none of the purple family in longzuo county is surnamed Cui. Even if you were born in the purple house and committed such a thing of confusing black and white and giving false testimony, I can't see you staying in this position any longer. "
    “ Hiss ~ "
     Wen Yan, whether Zhang or Wang, took a cold breath.
     The master Shouzhe's tone is really overbearing. Is this going to take master Cui's book?
    “ Father Longyan, as people in the school palace, we have the responsibility to stabilize the country, reassure the people and monitor the injustice of the world. " Wang Shouzhe turned around and said, "this person is suspected of reversing black and white and destroying notarial documents, which shows signs of shaking the foundation of national notarization. Let's take him down first and send him to the sheriff's house. The sheriff will interrogate him in person. In order to prevent some of his colleagues from secretly covering up, I suggest that he immediately send a letter to the school palace and invite several masters to personally preside over the overall situation. "
     Xuegong biography? Take master Cui's book? Would you please take charge of the overall situation in person?
     Wang Shouzhe's series of words were so informative that the faces of the Zhangs in longzuo and master Cui suddenly became very wonderful.
     Is what Wang Shouzhe said true or false? Are you kidding?
     Long Yan's father also frowned and said, "Shou Zhe, you're right. This man is suspected of shaking the notarization. He should be taken and sent to the sheriff's house for trial."
     After that, she took out the disciple order handed down by the xuanbing Hall of Zifu school Palace: "master Cui, although you also have the cultivation of heaven and man, I suggest you keep your hands on it. Zifu school palace will conduct in-depth supervision on this matter. If you are innocent, you will never be embarrassed. But if you really commit a big case, no one can save you. "
     Zifu school palace has a high status in Daqian. It is nominally under the jurisdiction of Daqian state, but it is actually a neutral organization with considerable autonomy.
     Because of its neutral nature, Zifu school palace even has the right to supervise the whole bureaucratic system.
     That's why Fang Youan and other disciples of the school palace could go to changningwei to preside over the overall situation of disaster relief. Even the city guard should be controlled and supervised by him.
    “ impossible! It's impossible!! " Master Cui's face became extremely ugly. "You can't be a disciple of the school palace! The school Palace's personal biography should always serve the school palace, uphold neutrality, and take saving all the people in the world as its own responsibility. "
    “ You don't understand. " Wang Shouzhe sneered, "old ancestor, don't talk nonsense with him, take it first."
    “ Good! "
     Long Yan sneered, and the purple sword came out of its scabbard again.
     Before the frost on the grass could melt, it was covered with a new layer of.
     This master Cui's book is just at the beginning of heaven and man's territory. His combat experience is not as good as that of ancestor Hong Qing. In addition, he has just seen the power of ancestor Longyan. At this time, he doesn't even have the courage to resist. He is caught in two or three times.