But I like it. Zhang Yi has been very proud of his horse's hoof disease. He occasionally guides everyone's training methods and teaches you all some simple arrays.
     What Liangyi array, Sancai array, four image array, five element array, Liuhe array, seven star array, eight diagrams array, nine palaces array and ten Jue array! These basic arrays that can rapidly improve combat effectiveness by fighting in small groups can be superimposed level by level when there are a large number of people.
     I don't know how many times the battle effectiveness has exploded. Of course, the march of the army is not a children's play, but also some unpredictable emergencies. Therefore, it is particularly important for everyone to cooperate with each other on the battlefield. Once the enemy is found, we should be ready for battle at the first time.
     In order to find several generals among them, Zhang Yi used the strategic array of the cold weapon era in later generations.
     After all, there are the one word long snake array, the two dragons playing in the water array, the heaven and earth three talents array, the four door bottom-up array, the five tigers and wolves array, the six Ding and six Jia array, the Seven Star Beidou array, the eight door golden lock array, the nine word chain array and the ten sided ambush array.
     Zhang Yi also knows that he can't chew too much, but the time left for everyone is running out. These days, everyone is in full swing in the square, training these array cooperation.
     These guys suddenly found out how their strength improved so quickly. They didn't believe their changes. Finally, they found that everything was true. They practiced harder there. They were only willing to become real Superman.
     In the past, everyone was like a chicken in front of Zhang Lin and Xu Chu. They can crush themselves anytime and anywhere. Now it's different. With the cooperation of their brothers, even Xu Chu and Zhang Lin can't get close easily. It's amazing.
     Everyone trusts Zhang Yi more. As long as Zhang Yi says he is a God and invincible existence, everyone can accept it without doubt. Zhang Yi has been thinking about a problem these days. He is really not proficient in leading the army.
     A little common people can become an invincible and invincible God of war through ancient times, or easily make a lot of money and a lot of beautiful women, all shouting to marry you.
     Such a bloody thing really hasn't happened to him. Is he too useless or everyone too ignorant? It seems that professional people should deal with professional things. Zhang Yi had to ask Xiaojing for advice.