Xu Chu was bolder. He went to the place where Zhang Yigang had just sat and felt it here and there. He just didn't find anything wrong here. Everyone looked at each other and did their own things without saying a word.
     Although this matter was diluted by them in such obscurity, it left an indelible mark in their hearts. Thinking about others, this means does not belong to the category of human beings.
     I'm lucky to wait for others. If I work hard in the future, I may become an immortal like Zhang Yi!
     Regardless of Xu Chu's unrealistic ideas, Zhang Yi shuttled through the space-time channel. He was curious to see what the space-time channel was like, so he let Xiaojing slow down and let himself have a good look.
     Xiaojing sees Zhang Yi's strength and knows that his spiritual power is incomparable. The space-time channel can't do any harm to Zhang Yi. Just meet Zhang Yi's curiosity!
     But little crystal won't. tell Zhang Yi what's going on in the channel. You should see what's curious with your own eyes.
     However, Zhang Yi's idea is really not a good idea. The passage is dark. You can't see anything at all, and the visibility is only a few meters. It seems impossible to have a look at the scenery here.
     In front of Zhang Yi, a man suddenly appeared. He didn't expect to find an interesting guy here. He actually came here for sightseeing. When he saw the ridiculous scene of Zhang Yi looking around, he showed a smile at the corners of his mouth.
     He still remembers that he had the same curiosity as this guy at the beginning. Qin Yu was suddenly surprised. He is now the controller of the original world. To put it more popularly, he is what people call the Supreme God.
     Moreover, he is not only a God, but also controls a universe. It is strange that a mortal can appear here. Just want to find out.

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